My Way Or the Segway.

"Paper skyscrapers/scrape the skyline."
“Paper skyscrapers/scrape the skyline.”

Get a coffee at the Pret a Manger on Saturday morning. Drink half of it, then resolve to drink less coffee, more water. Make this resolve every single day for seven years and keep doing it until notified otherwise.

Pay your money. Sign the insurance release for the Segway tour. Marvel at how you always first write, “Sequay.” Wonder genuinely if you have mild dyslexia, because it’s always been like this with the “q’s” and the “g’s” and the “b’s” and the “p’s,” a little dimple in your composition, strawberry jam in the gear shift.  See pods of marathon runners and whirr past them, carefully but not without the sniff of a cool kid.

Think about Nike (human engineering) vs. Nike (Greek god.) Decide it’s an even match.

See the city from A Beautiful Spot and marvel with your best friend how lucky you are to be alive and breathing. Get hungry “after all this Thoreau-ing.” Go to the new pizza bar; fuel up.



Snap picture.

Have six great ideas before you even leave the pier.