Gone QuiltCon’in’!

posted in: Day In The Life 17
Greetings from Savannah! Image: Modern Quilt Guild
Greetings from Savannah! Image: Modern Quilt Guild


Getting ready to come to beautiful Savannah, GA for the big, basically sold-out QuiltCon East 2017 has had me busier than a one-armed paper-hanger. Actually, for anyone who knows the quilt business, saying that I was busier than a person getting ready to go teach and lecture at a big quilt show is sufficient. Gah!

I’ll be teaching all day today and tomorrow; my lecture is Saturday morning and I leave a little bit after that, but I’m hoping to Instagram what I can from the show and hopefully post on the ol’ PG tonight, if I’m not too exhausted. Sometimes, I surprise myself!

If you’re here at the show, you must at least try to find me and say hi. The best thing about big quilt conferences is actually meeting people that are usually just tiny pictures attached to comments online.

Whether or not we see each other, and whether or not you’re at the show or just checking out all the social media posts that will start flooding in from all your favorite quilters/bloggers/posters, etc., about an hour — enjoy the show!