I’m a lunch person.
If you want to win my favor, butter me up, pitch me an idea, ask me out, or ask me to do something for you that will not be fun for me or that will be very challenging but that I will consider doing because I love you, like you, want to pitch you an idea or ask you out, it would behoove you to ask me out to lunch and discuss everything there. Over a tasty meal in a pleasant, lunch-serving establishment, I am amenable to many things.
This love of lunch probably springs from my continual astonishment that I am, in fact, an adult. I’ve said it before: Whenever I do things like pay a doctor’s bill, return home from an airport, or take my seat at a lunch — to say nothing of a luncheon — I just shake my head. I don’t know when it happened, but at some point, I convinced everyone I was capable of saying things like, “The tuna for me, thank you. Rare.”
Of course, not every day is a “Mary, darling, let’s do lunch” day. That’s maybe once a week, if I’m lucky. (People in my world know the strategy, so I do get to go out to lunch with some frequency; I am, as a result, very busy.)
The majority of my lunches during the week are not foofy, though. The majority of my lunches happen at a table in the school newspaper office or between classes at a cafe in the Loop near school. I like these lunches just as well. I love a bowl of soup. I like a tasty salad. I just like to pause in my day and say, “This is the time where I must eat. Everyone just hang on.”
Breakfast is nice. It’s the first thing you eat, that breakfast, and that means the day is fresh. But the day becomes instantly not fresh if you eat something not fresh for breakfast. If you eat the last piece of spelt toast in the freezer (which you heated up in the microwave because you do not own a toaster), then how fresh can the day really be? Dinner is nice, of course, except that by the time dinner comes, unless I really plan for it, I do not want to have a large meal. Why?
Because I had a nice lunch.
*My apologies for a slow week on the ol’ PG. I turned in my project. The project nearly killed me, but but I turned it in an guess what? That. Thing. Is. Fabulous! Maybe I’ll post it! It’s 23 pages long but I’m about as proud of it as anything I’ve done in school so far. Thanks for all the well-wishes, you guys.