On Falling (Less “Falling In Love,” More Just…Falling.)

posted in: Tips 5
A song from 1893. I know the feeling. Image: Wikipedia.
A song from 1893. I know the feeling! Image: Wikipedia.


I was searching through the archives for something (I’ll tell ya later) and discovered that I have written a fair amount about falling. Tonight, because I am bone-weary tired after this first week of school and the events of the week besides and can’t make sparkling prose from scratch*, I give you not one, not two, but four archival posts about falling that are worth another look:

Enjoy, comrades — and watch your step.

Oh, and one other thing: The comments function on my blog didn’t to work at all for a long time. If you’re new around here and click into old posts, it might look like no one read this blog for many years and then suddenly many people began to read it. (The truth is way better: I’ve had loyal, excruciatingly attractive readers for a long time.) Anywho, the comment functionality functions now, but I have heard from folks that the captcha thingy is annoying and lame. I’m working on that, really I am. Thanks for your patience with the technical aspects of the ol’ PG. Not my strong suit.

*This makes me want something from scratch, like my gramma’s rolls. Note to self: Write about Gramma Rolls sometime soon.