I am too tired to finish the intricate, brilliant, genius post I was working on just now. I almost fell asleep and did one of these:
“So I was saying to the nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn”‘l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”
… which is what happens when a gal nods off mid-keystroke.
Yes, it’s been a long day of press for the newspaper and it’ll be a longer one tomorrow. And since I’m doing the reset diet thing, which saps energy at the beginning of it, I’d better change my strategy. I think I should toss it to Pendennis tonight and ask him to give you a few archive selections.
As I’ve mentioned here and there, Claus and I talk. Sometimes a lot, sometimes a little. He said something yesterday that was really hard to hear because it was so lovely and sweet and romantic. I think I said something like, “Claus! Stop it! Oooh, I hate you, I hate you!” but I think he knew what I meant.
Anyway, Pendennis dug up a Claus-related post to start with; this is the post about the robbery we experienced in San Francisco on our long trip across America two summers ago.
What else has the monkey picked? Let’s see … Oh! He says you should go back to the whole “I’m leaving New York City” thing and the day-by-day roll-out of “Where will I move next?” proposition. If you’ve never read through that PaperGirl era, you’ll enjoy it. Start here and keep reading the days following it.
And speaking of that era: Remember my rat infestation?