How about a giveaway!
I do these from time to time with Quilty, but this is a straight-up Mary Fons giveaway. Look, I really appreciate all the emails, the comments, the Facebook love. I’m very close to 5,000 likes, and while I know that age and Facebook likes ain’t nuthin’ but a number, it still feels good to be 33 and way more popular than I was in high school.
I also have a lot of books. A lot of books. I’d like to give you one. Share the link to my blog on Facebook. Comment here on the blog. I don’t know how to do these things. I’d like to tell you that it’s very scientific and I do have a system that I intend to follow to pick a winner, at random. But basically, let’s just have a little blitzkrieg love fest and somewhere in the mix, someone will get a book.
I’ll write you a hand-written letter, too. A nice note on some nice Mary Fons letterhead. I’ll give you advice to a problem you might have. [NOTE: No purchase necessary and no problem necessary. If you don’t want advice on a life problem, don’t worry about it — you don’t have to have problems to win.*] So comment away, and share away, and perhaps you’ll get a book! Look, someone will win. It might as well be you. Let’s jack up those Facebook likes. Let’s get a few more readers on the ol’ P-Girl. And then at least one other person on the planet can talk to be about Lee Miller’s War. Or Encyclopedia of the Exquisite. Or Babbitt. Or Binky’s Guide to Love.
Two words: Treasure. Trove.
Good luck. Spread the word. This blog is real life!
*”you don’t have to have problems to win” = suddenly in the running to be the copy on my headstone
I don’t have a life problem. Just enjoy reading your blog!
I’ve been meaning to comment, so the incentive of a not-fully-defined giveaway pushed me over the top. I started reading Papergirl in mid-2009 after seeing you in Too Much Light. I don’t normally look up performers, but your sketch about the military/health insurance got to me. I saw that show with my ex, with whom I had an ongoing tortured relationship and who was about to move away. We had an awesome time that night roaming around Andersonville, which didn’t make it any easier. Earlier that day, I went to a seminar for potential/actual single moms by choice. (At the time, I was on the potential side of the line. Now, actual: he will be three next month.) It was a memorable night.
Anyway, I was totally sucked in by your blog. My dad has similar health issues. You were as obsessed by Madonna and Tori Amos as I was, which was not a combination I had come across in others. (Have to admit Tori has not been moving me as she once did, but she’s a hard habit to break.) I even once wrote you an email, during the read only one author/wear only one color experiment.
All of which is to say, I’m glad you’re back, I’m glad you’re (relatively) healthy, I love the randomness of your blog, I’m curious about how you designed your new rooms (not literally what you chose or what they look like, but process: never understand how people do this without professional help.). I’m even interested in the quilting, although I have literally no time in my life to either quilt or learn how to quilt (or, usually, comment on blogs). But, in my teens, I did take an instructional quilting book out of the library, photocopy every page (sorry, author, whoever you are!), put them in a three-ring binder, go to a fabric shop, and create a single quilt square, with batting and everything. I still have it, somewhere.
Have rambled too much, so will wrap up with thanks for the blog!
Mary Ann
Mary you always make me laugh….or sometimes cry a little but I am never bored.
Love! I’ve been reading for awhile, but I think this might be the first time I’ve commented. I love your blog. Very inspiring, and I sort of feel like we could be friends. 🙂 I haven’t heard of any of those titles you listed, but I’m sure they’re all equally lovely if they’re on your shelf! Thanks Mary!
Sharon Guidera
Whatever problems I have – “fabric” is the answer!
Pam @ Bulletproof Editing
How fun! Count me in…I love to read! Just found your blog recently, although I’ve been a longtime TV fan. Keep up the good work!
Amy Letts
Mary Fons you make me laugh,thanks for that. And it is cool that you too are a quilter. Keep it up.
Much love.
Hedy Lack
Love Pendennis!! Love you and your blog too!! I am old enough to be your grandmother but you make me feel young at heart, love to read, enjoy your work and would be so proud and thrilled to have one of your books. Keep on enjoying your life.
Tracy F
I think you are quirky and funny! Love you Mary!!
Shellie Moniz
best. giveaway. ever
thanks a million!
Terri Dawes
Congrats on the likes!!!
Peggy Perry
So glad we don’t need a problem! Granted I have tons of them but luckily I have chocolate and quilting so I am good. I do want to thank you for your blog. Up until I read it I had no idea what a truly interesting person you are. I just loved your quilt show. I mean I will now never go threw a scanner at the airport, unless it means missing the plane. If I do I am going to look at the security persons with righteous indignation and hope the person viewing goes temporarily blind. I guess what I am trying to say is you, your show, and your blog already help me with my problems. Thank you! You make me smile and other then the UFOS I have you have fixed my quilting problems.
I love your sense of humor. Not only would I like to win this, I would love to read the letter of life advice. 😀
Luanne Davis
Mary, with all your interest you a definitely a “Woman For All Seasons”!!!
I feel like a “Modern Quilting” fraud/failure. You see I only like to use patterns & I don’t have a book deal, fabric line, etc.
i would love to win. I enjoy reading your Blog and your articles in Quilty,
I think Pendennis is very excited about this give-away. (I can just sees it in his eyes.) : )
Here’s one of my problems…I tend to procrastinate a lot. Things I want to do…things I need to do…how can I get myself to stop putting things off?
Thanks Mary Fons! : )
I just saw the extra “s” on the word see” in my post. It is bothering me….It wasn’t meant to be there! That’s all. : )
“see” (sigh)
Allie Duarte
Mary Fons, you have always been and will always be AWESOME.
Love you Mary! You are to funny! Keep up the awesome work, inspiration and humor! Go getum girl…
Dear sweet Mary,
I enjoy your writing. My Mother, Father, and daughter piece and applique. The creativeness gene skipped me! Dad started piecing quilts after retirement. M, daughter, made her two cousins(males in their twenties) and her brother(thirty-three) Sock Monkey lap quilts for Christmas. Fabric by Moda. I can’t wait to see the expressions on their faces after opening gifts Again, I look forward to reading your blog—not on FB. Sending sunshine and love from middle TN.
Mary, I am a huge fan. I love Quilty and love your blog. It entertains and is soooo well written. It is the only blog that I read that I sometimes read aloud to my husband. A letter of advice would be fantastic!
Lucy Beth Hedrick
I just had a quilt/blogger nerd moment all over my profile. Thanks for gracing us with your words of wisdom!
~Lucy Beth
Hi Mary!
I saw you speak twice during writers week at my high school, William Fremd high school, and I loved your work! Now I’m at college, and reading your blog is a lot of fun and I look to you as inspiration and a model of sorts. I hope to become as good of an author as you someday! Thanks for your sense of humor and interesting stories!
Diane Mosher
Mary — I so enjoyed your visit to Grand Forks, ND a couple weeks ago and have been following your blog since then and get alerted to your new blog posts through Facebook. I absolutely love your writing style and peering into the “life and times of Mary Fons”. Thank you for the giggles…you always make me smile and make my day 🙂 BTW…it is always a challenge to post a comment as I can never read the CAPTCHA Code!!! UGH!!!
Mary Fons
Oooh! That darned CAPTCHA thing. I know. I hate it, too. Please don’t give up!
And to all the loverly comments, here, thank you. I’m already trying to choose which book to give! Ack! The pressha!
I am always glad to see a new post here, and one where you share books! from your actual library! is truly a treat. Can’t wait to see who wins what title.
Bethany Wise
Wow, nothing bucks up the comments like a chance to win something! But, truly do love you, love you for Quilty, for LOQ with your mom, and love you for PaprGirl
It’s pleasure to comment, giveaway or no giveaway… so here it is… and I would love to give you some FB love.
Hi Mary, I enjoy your blog because it manages to be both thoughtful and funny at the same time. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us!
Mary McIntyre
If laughter is good medicine, then you’re a drug I like to keep for my “blue” days.
Mary: Love your blog. Fabric is always a way to make my day. I’m relatively new to to quilting and love your show. Also, “Mary” is my favorite name because it’s my mom’s name, my best friend’s name, my daughter’s name and many other people that I love. The only problem I have is not enough fabric and not enough time to sew. A small problem in the scope of the world!
I follow you on facebook and now I am going to follow your blog.
Sue Lohr
I’m really enjoying your blog, and have LOVED Quilty (print and web) from almost the beginning! Problem? Who doesn’t have some! LOL! How about finding space to display wall hangings – I swear, every inch of my home has SOMETHING on the walls. If I lived alone (which I am happily married, not trying to change THAT), I would take it all off and display JUST quilts. But that’s not the case. So, where do I start the process of minimizing so I can display my creations? (Good luck answering this, Mary!)
Toni Osborne
I guess I’m one of those women that first saw you on Fons & Porters Love of Quilting on PBS that kind of thought you were a bit of an airhead. Sorry! I’m probably older than your mother so I’m going to blame it on my age. Anyway, I started reading your blog and started seeing a whole other side of you and I actually really like you. (imagine that! As if you really care since you don’t know me) I saw you as a guest on Sew It All and there was yet, another side of you. Another side I liked. So now I ‘know’ 3 sides of you. I’m looking forward to at least one more side since every good quilt has at least 4 sides. Keep writing your blog. Although quilting has many sides, and several layers, quilts are not very deep, and you are dear!!!
Mary Fons
Air. Head.
Okay, sure.
Dear Mary, You are a magnificent storyteller. Thank you for sharing. I hope I win a quilting book. Or maybe a subscription to Quilty. 😉 XOXO, Tiffany
Hi Mary, I’m pretty new to following your blog, but so far it is great! Also, as a new quilter, Quilty is my favorite resource! I now feel equipped to tackle those bindings next week. 🙂
i love books. my local library has a rockin good selection of quilting books and magazines. i appreciate the chance to win my own. let’s see…problems…we are moving soon…do you have any magic up your sleeve to poof everything to the new house without all the packing and cleaning business?
boy…not sure you will ever read this…your captcha code has me stumped!!
Lisa Blue
Love your blog! Your humor, along with your musical and literary tastes are exceptional. I like how your posts are just the right mix of philosophy and hilarity. If you were ever to come to Maine, you be the kind of person i’d like to go to coffee with. Anyway, i would love to be considered for your giveaway! Thanks!
Kristin S.
Problem: I need some creative copy for my headstone. Please advise.
Hey Mary,
It’s you’re old pharmacist friend from Alabama. So glad you’re blogging again! I shared your blog with my creative middle daughter, Kelley. She loves you, too. Please enter me in the book/advice giveaway contest. I’d love to get a book from your library and some sage advice, too. You’re life seems happier now, and that makes me smile for you.
Love your blog. It is always so thoughtful and often makes me laugh out loud!
Hey. Thanks for the give away too.
Love to read your blog. It is always so thoughtful and often makes me laugh out loud! And hey, thanks for the give away, too!
Love you Mary! I’m a big Quilty fan. I, too, first saw you on Love of Quilting and immediately liked you. I thought you were a great addition to the show. Unfortunately, the show does not air in my area anymore. Speaking about problems, I have many but quilting keeps me sane and I look forward to it everyday as well as reading your blog. Keep writing.
Laura @ Prairie Sewn Studios
Love reading a blog by a quilter my age with a life that seems to have just as many random issues as mine does.
I’m one more new fan from Grand Forks. I love your sense of color and sense of humor; and I have a new appreciation for “modern” quilting.
Love to read and love to comment, so I am happy to spread the love 🙂
Emily Day
You’re my inspiration!
Giveaway or not, I found your blog accidentally a few weeks ago and have been meaning to comment. I LOOK FORWARD to your postings at the end of my day. I thought you were a quilter by default and cutely quirky in the quilt videos. Your sophistication and intelligence delight and amuse!
Fireman RobCha
Hey Mary! Love the blog and have always loved your work… consider it shared. Cheers! Rob
Mary, your blog is always an interesting read — a great respite at the end of the day!
So glad you started blogging again… after signing off a little bit ago (probably years ago, at this point), there was a huge void in my life. I’m one of the many Fremd students (now graduated and in college) that you continue to inspire at Writers Week. Actually, maybe you remember me! I’m the one that Tony Romano let introduce you a couple years back. God, that was a good day.
Wishing you luck,
Here’s my problem: I have no time to sew. Well, I do have some time but not enough time. How do you balance sewing time and non-sewing time? Do you schedule in sewing time? Sew on a whim or when the mood hits you?
Christa Martin
Hi Mary. I saw your interview on Karen Brown’s youtube channel. I used to watch your show but thought all that was over…so glad you are still actively publishing! I would love to win the book so please consider me. Thanks!