The Quilt Scout Is IN! “In Praise of Guilds”

posted in: The Quilt Scout 1
Hey, look! The fabulous Sherri T. from the Dallas guild last month. Insty-pals. Photo: Me
Hey, look! The fabulous Sherri T. from the Dallas guild last month. Insty-pals. Photo: Me


Hey, it’s Quilt Scout time!

The first July column is all about quilt guilds and how they are great. If you click your clicker right here, you can read what I have to say on the matter and, I suspect, feel a little fuzzy. As in “warm and.”


  1. Lindsey
    | Reply

    Who will take care of Philip Larkin when you are traveling so often?

    P.S. A female dog is easier to train to pee on a pad and she will never know she has a male name.

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