Pendennis Picks Plays!

posted in: PaperGirl Archive 1
High school kids doing a musical. From such humble beginnings... Image: Wikipedia.
High school kids doing a musical. From such humble beginnings… Image: Wikipedia.


If you like to put on little plays in your living room, this is the blog for you, as sometimes I write little plays. Some might be more “dialogues” than plays, but it won’t matter if you really want to have some fun. Grab a buddy and go back and forth! All these scripts are what my actress friend Kristina calls “two-handers”, or plays for two people.

Here are three of my favorite scripts. One is from almost five years ago!

  1. How I Imagine the Interview for Employment Goes at This One Coffee Shop on Michigan Avenue
    If this is the way it goes, at least it will explain a few things for Lord’s sake.
  2. ‘Cynthia!’ A 10-Minute Play
    A fan favorite. And last summer, I got someone way better than Cynthia, by the way: I got Carmen!
  3. ‘I’ll Be Entertaining This Weekend’
    So… This is really funny, you guys. It’s old. And it still made me laugh. So check this one out for sure. (I am so weird.)

Mary In The Weeds

  1. Kerry
    | Reply

    LOL@ the coffee shop.
    Sadly at the Festival of Quilts this year Starbucks really disappointed me. They were attentive (in spite of the queue) and very jovial. Worst of all they spelt my name correctly. Now who wants to Whatsapp their daughter with a photo of the correct spelling? What daughter would want to receive a photo of their mother’s Strawberries and cream frap (with soya – and the tastiest – no cream on top though) with a correct spelling? Nope, it will never be the same as “Kwpry” – and that year I actually spelt my name to the girl. This year she didn’t have to ask!
    Actually I was very impressed.

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