The Scout Is IN! (And Thank Goodness, Because Some Days, You Just Can’t Sew)

posted in: The Quilt Scout 5
Doesn't she just look suuuuper over it? "Mujer de Pueblo" by Pedro Lira, c. 1910.
Doesn’t she just look suuuuper over it? “Mujer de Pueblo” by Pedro Lira, c. 1910.


Do you ever have those days when you just cannot sew? As in, nothing you cut, stitch, or otherwise patch or quilt goes the way it should? Oh, me neither! But if you have a friend who has ever felt that way (cough, cough), you might want to show them this.


p.s. Much love to all my new pals in Kentucky. Today was so, so great.

5 Responses

  1. Dorothy
    | Reply

    This is what I look like when there is no time to sew. I am one of the many people who NEED to sew every day. If I can’t, I get very cranky, angry, etc. Even if I just sit and sew 2 patches together for 5 minutes I am OK

  2. Kerry
    | Reply


    Yup, when you make the same mistake again it’s time to go to bed. When I get into the “mode” and can’t for the life of me stop – no clock in the room – amazing how time ticks by so fast and it’s gone midnight before you realise it. So then mistakes happen and you think to yourself, hmmm, I’ll go for a walk downstairs and have a drink of water and YIKES 1 a.m. already!!!! No wonder! Maybe that’s the really scary part for me! 😉

  3. Susan
    | Reply

    I am a new subscriber and I love your blog. In my sewing room hangs a wall quilt I made a few years ago, quoting my father’s dear 80 year old girlfriend, herself an accomplished seamstress who made draperies, slipcovers, and– twice — the perfect sails on my father’s replica scale model schooner America (the first set didn’t meet her standards of perfection).

    “If you sew, you rip.”

  4. AJ
    | Reply

    Yes! This was a great article and I can certainly relate. I have sewn the same thing in wrong multiple times in a row, repeatedly cut the same piece too small for a foundation paper pieced block, etc. etc. I pieced a whole bunch of 4 patches a couple of days ago…only to realize later that I had not selected the quarter inch stitch on my machine. Unfortunately, the sewing just went downhill from there. Some days it is better to just walk away!

  5. Emily Burke
    | Reply

    The link doesn’t work for me

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