It’s my birthday!
I am on a plane!
I’m headed home from the long trip and I have a couple days before I go out again, but that’s okay, because I like it. If you stay at home, you have good days and bad days and stressful days and non-stressful days and birthdays and days that are not your birthday, right? Right. I have all those days but more planes in mine than other folks might. (And fewer than some others do!)
Today has been two parts fabulous and one part challenging. The two fabulous parts were that I woke up feeling vital — that’s fabulous! — and I saw my sister Hannah in New York City for lunch. Fabulous again! (Flight arrangements needed changing a few days ago and in the changing, a layover in NYC was created, thus, lunch with Hannah.)
The challenging part is that I’m not perfect and I’m in charge of people, now. I have only been in charge of myself, really, in this life. I’ve worked in ensembles a lot; I’ve been part of many teams. But like, I manage people. I ask people to do things. Worse yet, I tell them things that we will be doing. Like, “We are traveling this date and this date, so … pack, baby!”
My brilliant friend Heather — who you know from this glorious scene two years ago and from my post about my deep love of her here — is a production goddess at Quiltfolk and she books a lot of travel for the location shoots. I answered a question for her incorrectly about dates. I gave her wildly wrong dates. She was like, “Ooookay … so … that’s … new ” and did what she was supposed to do, which was talk to the photographer and the writer going on the trip about their flights.
Panic ensued.
So I feel dumb, because wow, was I wrong. And people scrambled and freaked out like they had gotten something wrong but they hadn’t at all. It looked like I don’t have my schmoo together, even though I think I mostly do, considering just exactly what is happening in all of our lives right now. Certainly, I am getting good at surrounding myself with remarkable people who can help me manage it all.
Anyway, I had spaghetti at the airport! It was remarkably good for being airport spaghetti. And there’s still one more birthday gift to go: When I get home, Nick will be there. I told him all I wanted for my birthday was a clean kitchen.
“I think I can manage that,” he said.
Judy Holmgren
Glad you and Nick are still an “item”.
Judy Holmgren
I’m glad you and Nick are still an “item”.
Jeanann Montney
♫Happy Birthday to You!♫ May your year be blessed.
Kelly Ashton
Enjoy Nick and your clean kitchen! Happy birthday, Mary!!
Happy birthday! Best wishes for a great year to come!
Judy Trask
Happy Birthday Mary! Sooo enjoy your blog! Warms my heart and makes me smile!
Jann Adams
Happy Birthday! It’s my husband’s birthday also – definitely a great day!
Mary Lou Maloni
Happy and blessed birthday Mary
Marcia Healy
Happy birthday Mary Fons! And thank you for making us all happy with your writings!
Happy birthday to you! And happy birthday to me! Except I’m round the other side of the world so a day ahead, which means a day later than yours. But a year or two earlier I believe. My husband forgot my birthday, maybe I should ask for a clean kitchen. You’re very right, it would be nice.
Judy Forkner
Happy Birthday, Mary! Nick’s a gem!!!
Susan Yvon
“Happy Birthday Mary!”
Ann Bailey
Happy Birthday, Mary! God Bless you always.
Happy Birthday Mary!
Richard Stofer
Airport spaghetti?!!
Brave, very brave
Oh Mary, That’s called a screw up. We all do it . You will do it again.
The difference in good leaders and bad leaders is good ones take responsibility, apologize then problem solve. Also when someone else has a screw up , that works with you, same thing. They admit, apologize, problem solve and you support them. You just showed everyone how you are going to handle mess ups. A very Happy Birthday to you
Linda Duff
Happy (now belated) Birthday to you!!! ❤
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARY!!!!! May this one be the BEST ever!
Let’s see – handsome man cleaning my kitchen for my birthday? Oh Yeah!!!!! Great present! Go Nick!
Love you Mary!
Lesley Gilbert
Belated Birthday greetings – hope you got your clean kitchen 🙂
Yes! I agree! A clean kitchen would be a remarkable birthday present! I hope you got your wish.
Christine Houghton
Happiest of Birthdays! Life is good and you have a male companion to share it with. What more could you ask for?
Happy birthday, Mary!!
Happy Birthday! Mine is Friday!!
Georgeanna Couldry
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Mary!
Michael J
Happy Birthday! Mary Ann Fons,
and many more,,,,,
Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday!! Hoe you have a great day! You share it with a good friend of mine and with my
Great Granddaughter, so I think you’re in good company.
I missed it. When did Nick come into the picture?
Do the search box for “Nick”! 😀 I love you!!!!!!!
Happiest of birthdays to you!!
Rebecca S
Yay! Happy birthday!
Lori Walter
Happy birthday, Mary!! Love your posts!
Mary Louise
Happy Birthday + 1 Mary!
Pam Putt
It’s my birthday too!
Bob Collis
Happy Birthday Mary!
(Belated here; on time on Facebook)…
Happy Birthday Mary!!! Enjoy your clean kitchen courtesy of Nick!