Teenagers Say The Darndest Things

posted in: Day In The Life 4
Hayv Kahraman's 'Toillete' (2008)
Hayv Kahraman’s ‘Toillete’ (2008)

I had a summer fling. Perhaps I can say more about it but it’s too soon in about six different ways, so I won’t.

But my sweet cousin Micala came through Chicago with my mom and they stayed with me last night. When I lamented that the eternal flame had flickered out and that my summer fling was over, Micala encouraged me.

“Did you know Tina Turner is seventy-five and her boyfriend is forty-two? And Madonna is fifty-something and her boyfriend is like, in his twenties? So don’t worry. If you haven’t met the right guy, it’s probably because he hasn’t been born yet.”

Is there vodka? In the pantry? Great, great. Thanks.

4 Responses

  1. Kelly Stodola
    | Reply

    New reader to your blog – wonderful writer! Felt for you when you had your letter from Quilty – but really not a reject, more of a nice letter to see if you wanted to have a chance to fix things! 🙂 Had to giggle at this post – they do say the darndest things! Keep on keepin’ on!

  2. Debra
    | Reply

    OMG – too funny!

  3. Mary Ann
    | Reply

    What Debra said!!!

  4. Nancy Walter
    | Reply

    Love your long hair in the picture above. I would like to see you wear it like that more often. Does you good. Love your blog as well. The quilt looks like one of my starter quilts. I still can’t get it perfect. I sure am glad you are human too.

    Take care and good luck with everything.


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