I am unwell.
Tomorrow, the doctor. Until then, enjoy the above picture from the National Archives of one Miss Elizabeth L. Gardner, WASP (Women’s Airforce Service Pilot) pilot of Rockford, IL, as she “takes a look around before sending her plane streaking down the runway at the air base” at Harlingen Army Air Field, Texas. Photo taken sometime around 1943. Isn’t she something?
And for those who want more, more, more, how about this quote from Rebecca West, which I had tacked up on my bulletin board in Chicago for the better part of two years after ripping it out of my planner from the year that came before that. I think there was one period of time I heeded West’s inferred point (that a life lived pleasurably, even hedonistically, is a solid choice) but I don’t recall people around me liking it very much.
“I take it as a prime cause of the present confusion of society that it is too sickly and too doubtful to use pleasure frankly as a test of value.”
And you, darling. How are you feeling?
Patsy Johnson
My nephew who is in his late 20’s just started on Humera. He’s hoping it will help. I wish Drs. would find the right meds to cure this.
I’m so glad to hear your spunk shining through even though you aren’t feeling well! I love the tales of the gutsy WASPs who flew those planes out of Texas and am so glad they FINALLY got the recognition they deserve. I recently read a book by Fannie Flagg–The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion–that’s a tale of some of those women–written with Flagg’s delightful sense of humor. Might be a good read while you’re getting some rest.
Get better soon.
Hopefully you’ll be on the mend soon!
Lisa D.
Cosmic T. Here, To Mary,
Come in. Love and prayers, and hopes for you to feel better right away.
Aw, feel better. 🙁 I think your Miss West is spot on.
Feel better! My Grandma was in the Navy’s version of the WASPs, the WAVEs (don’t you love those acronyms!). She was part of a fledgling CIA before it came to be known that. The day before the official announcement and end of WWII, her boss called her into his office and indicated that she’d want to call in sick the next day. She took his advice. The celebrations in D.C. were pretty amazing I hear, and not to be missed. 🙂
Get better soon
Hope doctor can help Mary.
If it is your colitis again maybe trying remicade . My son was totally debilitated by colitis and now is able to live life.
I enjoy everything you do. Rest and hope you will be well soon. Thanks for all
yo do for the quilting world. Shirley