Hallo From Berlin!

posted in: Travel 10
The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, 2008. Photo: Wikipedia.
The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, 2008. Photo: Wikipedia.


I got here on Thursday morning and it feels like the last three days have just been one, long day and night. It’s not jet lag, exactly; it’s more a feeling of being drunk with excitement and expectation.

I’ve been going, going, going since arrival and this post is a placeholder. There’s so much to tell but I can hardly keep my eyes open to type the next word and I fear that soon I’ll lay my head down on the keyboard and you’ll get something brilliant like kosssssssspsspppp ihhwwhhoooooooo

… so I’d better sign off till the morning. Also, it’s tough to know where to start as I examine my thoughts on the trip so far because full disclosure: It’s been very emotional to be here. If my relationship with Claus were a meal you cook at home, it would be breakfast. There are many moving parts, it’s hard to get the timing right, everything is delicious but burns easily (I’m looking at you, bacon and pancakes) and the orange juice is pulpy but the muffins are amazing, so get them out on the table! With butter! I need a spatula!

Was that a woiisisiisaaaaaaallllllll,,,mbnn moment or the most brilliant thing I’ve ever written?? 

Gute Nacht, mein Liebling.

10 Responses

  1. Connie Myers Pierce
    | Reply


  2. Rhonda Mossner
    | Reply

    Zzzzzz….Enjoy a little down time, girl!

  3. Melody A.
    | Reply

    Glad you are having a wonderful time regardless of timing!! ENJOY!! Take care of yourself regardless. from Iowa

  4. Helen
    | Reply

    Just roll with it. Life is short. Enjoy.

  5. Sarah
    | Reply

    Darling Mary; enjoy EVERYTHING: you can process later.

  6. Dottie
    | Reply

    Have fun- we want to see pictures!

  7. Catherine
    | Reply

    Mary, enjoy and go with the flow. Take care and be safe.

  8. ginger
    | Reply

    Hi Mary…So .Awesome to awaken in another country…and experience a different world… But back here in new york…there haven’t been any fons and porter episodes!!! what’s happening??? I so look forward to the end of the day, getting into cozy PJ’s and dive into the world of quilting…I check my taped shows ….and nothing from Fons and Porter!!! It’s been weeks :((
    Please advise…LOL!!!

  9. Barbara
    | Reply

    Thinking of you Mary. Delight in every moment. Have fun, be safe.

  10. nadine donovan
    | Reply

    Take one moment at a time. Enjoy and be safe

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