Let’s Hang Out At Spring Quilt Festival! (Chicago!)

posted in: Chicago, Work 12
Quilt top by Frances M. Jolly, c. 1839. Image: National Museum of American History.
Quilt top by Frances M. Jolly, c. 1839. Image: National Museum of American History.


First, some business:

  1. Thank you for being my friends. You really are my friends and… Well, I love you. I truly do.
  2. Don’t forget to write — the PaperGirl Essay Contest ends in nine days!
  3. I met with my Fiber & Material Studies professor to discuss my research project — and she loved it. My research is good enough to be entered into the Textile Resource Center’s database! I’m over the moon about that. I’m a contributor to the study of patchwork at the School of the Art Institute! How cool is that?? And yes, I’m looking into how I can post my investigation as a free download; it’s got too many moving parts to just post as a blog entry. Talk about a good feeling.

Okay, it’s event announcement time.

Guess what’s happening next month in my very own town? Why, International Spring Quilt Festival, that’s what! Yes, on April 6th, 7th, and 8th, the fine folks at Quilts, Inc. will descend upon the Windy City and bring all manner of quilt gorgeousness, classes, exhibits, vendors, and friends to the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. The venue is out by O’Hare; it’s a nice place, the food is actually pretty decent and.. There was something else that I was going to tell you about but I just can’t rem — wait! I know what it is!

I’m going to do two book signings and two tours! Of the “Beauty In Pieces” scrap quilt exhibit that I co-curated! I knew there was something. Here’s the scoop:

On Friday, April 7th and Saturday, April 8th, I’m going to do a book-signing and meet n’ greet from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Then, at 1:30 (both days), I’ll lead a little tour through the “Beauty In Pieces: Scrap Quilts for the 21st Century” exhibit. The tour will run 30-45 minutes, I imagine, but as I’ve never done it before! That sounds about right.

As to where this will be, I’m pretty sure the table for the books and things will be inside the quilt show part of Festival, but I know for sure that your show program will tell you exactly (and any of the helpful show people will help you find me, too.)

Will you come see me? I’d love that. This lil’ Quilt Scout will sign a book for you, we’ll take some selfies. And load up your phone with pictures of your quilts because I love to see quilts on phones. Seeing quilts on phones is like, my favorite thing. I’m 100% serious. Quilts are perfect for modern technology.

Maybe I’ll even bring Pendennis! Woah. He’s never come with me on something like that… I’ll do it. It’s a local gig. He can handle the trip. And if a cloth monkey can get his tushie to Festival, certainly you can, too.

See you in April, you guys.

12 Responses

  1. Vicki Reiter
    | Reply

    I want to invite you to the Indiana Quilt Expo in awrenceburg Indiana September 8 & 9 2017…..would love for you to speak and sign books for our 2500 + attendees!

  2. Liz
    | Reply

    Yay, I’m planning on going, and I’ll love to meet you! After listening to your talks at QuiltCon (over and over again) and watching Quilty and Love of Quilting, I’m excited to meet you in person!

  3. Judy Forkner
    | Reply

    Wish I could make it, but a trip to Chicago is not in my April plans… Have Fun & Congratulations on EVERYTHING!!!

  4. Joan Schoettler
    | Reply

    I’m sorry to miss the International Spring Quilt Festival in early April. I was in Chicago last week and will return at the end of April. GOOD FORTUNE IN A WRAPPING CLOTH is my children’s picture book about bojagi or Korean wrapping cloths. Korean women used fabric scraps to create beautiful works of fabric art by stitching the pieces together. I thought you might like to know about this book as an introduction to Korea, art, and quilting. Maybe we could meet for coffee on one of my visits to Chicago.

    • Michelle N
      | Reply

      I had to look up your book! My husband and I love KDramas and films and the amazing Korean culture. Add that to my love of fabric and your book sounds amazing. I added it to my Amazon cart. I can’t wait to read it to my daughter. <3

  5. Patti-Ann Kubacki
    | Reply

    You are on a role Mary Fons! So very happy for you.

  6. Nadine Donovan
    | Reply

    Darn- I wish I could come!

  7. Robin Gabriel
    | Reply

    I was hoping you would be there! I’ll be there but I have an all day class on Friday! I hope I have enough time at lunch to see you, otherwise I will have to come back Saturday in addition to Thursday and Friday! Would love to meet Pendennis!

  8. Kathy Isaacks
    | Reply

    How exciting to see you at Quilt Festival! I can’t be there Friday as I have to work but the raffle quilt I designed for my guild, NSQG will be there Check it out! And I’ll be there Saturday. Looking forward to seeing you then.

  9. Barbara
    | Reply

    I’m so happy for you Mary. Just know I’m smiling for you.

  10. Laurie Audette
    | Reply

    I am so excited to be able to go!!! My first quilt show and I can’t wait to meet you! I love reading Paper Girl!

  11. Ann Kelly
    | Reply

    Looking forward to seeing you on Fri. 4/7!! Where do we meet up for the book signing and tour? I’ll be selling raffle tickets for my guild’s quilt that morning, and I’ll be eager to high-tail it to where ever you’re staked out right after my shift is done!

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